Supporting The Global Goals
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals which have the power to create a better world by 2030.
As a business, we are doing our part towards these global goals with the help of Support the Goals. With their guidance, we have selected 3 goals that we believe we can make a positive contribution towards over the next 3 years. In May 2022, we were very proud to receive 5 star status from Support the Goals for our work.
As part of our efforts, we now give a presentation to new suppliers of VIQU to educate them regarding the 17 Global Goals and why we believe they should support them. If you are interested in getting involved in supporting the goals, please click here.
Zero Hunger
With an estimated 2% of Birmingham’s population currently homeless, we decided to make one of our 3 goals – Global Goal 2. Zero Hunger. We aim to support this goal by increasing the amount we donate in non-perishable food items and hygiene products by 150% annually. This started with donations worth £150 in 2022, £300 in 2023 and £450 in 2024. We are aiming to contribute at least £675 worth of goods to food banks in central Birmingham in 2025. These items will be distributed across the city to homeless individuals and those in need of support.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
We are pleased to support Global Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, through our NHS IT Volunteer Initiative. During the height of the pandemic, we placed out-of-work IT professionals willing to volunteer their time, with NHS Trust IT departments who were in need of support at a time of crisis. Originally we hoped to place 50 volunteers, but by the end of 2020, we had placed over 260 volunteers, 45% of which secured paid contract or permanent roles due to their efforts.
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Climate Action
In 2021, we selected a Climate Change & Sustainability Partner who produced our first green audit. We realised that we needed to be doing more to offset VIQU’s emissions and decided to support Global Goal 13. Climate Action. Our 3-year journey started with becoming Carbon Zero in 2022 through the planting of hundreds of trees. We successfully became a Carbon Negative business in 2023, and have already hit our 2024 goal, which is the production of our own renewable energy through the installation of solar panels on our Birmingham office roof! We plan to take our journey further in 2025 with a new green audit. We are aiming to see our solar panels produce at least 25% of the energy used by VIQU.
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